- Squat: 5x5@185lb
- Bench: 5x5@45lb
- Row: 5x5@120lb
Strained my back squatting on Saturday, so I took a few days off and started light again. I think I’m squatting too low and losing proper form at the bottom. Gotta stretch more and be more careful.
Shoulder is finally feeling good enough to bench (just the bar).
Starting slow, since I’m out of shape. Modified, since I can’t Bench or Press.
I bought a 1" bar and about 200lb worth of plates a week ago. Today was my first lifting session. The bar is clearly worse than normal Olympic bars, but it was cheap and works well in a smaller space (my living room), so I’m not complaining too much.
3 rounds of:
Finished with the usual hip/quad/ham/etc stretching.
After the workout, came home to and drank my first bottle of Soylent 2.0. It tasted kinda like oats and a touch of chalk. Pretty tasty.
Had trouble with my left wrist throughout the workout. It got better throughout, but I avoided going low or adding much weight. Instead I focused on keeping the bar back, internally rotating my shoulders, and keeping my knees out. On the snatch, I worked on getting the right form at the start (shoulders in front of the bar, tension in my back and butt and hamstrings) and on keeping the bar close and my elbows high.
5 rounds of:
Based on my last deadlift set (5@295), I estimated my 1RM at 345lb. So I went with 205lb for the deadlifts. It was fairly heavy but I don’t think I struggled on any rep. I used 10lb for the twists - definitely too light.
For time:
I used 105lb for the cleans and finished in 7:03 .