Jan 04 CFNH: First day of Oly 3x8 Front Rack Reverse Lunge: 115lb 5x3+2 Push Press + Jerk (3 PP, 2 Jerk): 65,85,85,95,95lb 5x5 Front Squat: 2@135,3@145 3x10 Weighted Back Extensions: 15lb # lifting, oly, weightlifting
Dec 18 CFNH: Deadlifts and Pushups Strength 15min of deadlift work, working up to a heavy triple. I ended with 3@265lb . Skills 3min AMRAP max double-under attempts. I got two sets of 7 and then a single later on for a total of 15 WOD For Time: 50 Push Ups (chest to deck) 30 Deadlifts @60% of 3RM 20 Burpees 5:53 with a 155lb deadlift. # crossfit, weightlifting