Sri Lanka
Two days of low-level pickup. Sri Lanka doesn’t have much of an ultimate
scene, but a few players are trying to get it off the ground. They run
pickup several times a week in Colombo, and occasionally travel to other
cities to play. A few of the players have been to tournaments outside the
country (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia) but most are casual players.
The pickup itself was fun. The weather was really hot and humid. I didn’t
have cleats, so I played in my barefoot shoes. There wasn’t much stacking
or force-holding, but everyone knew the rules and played with a lot of
spirit and competitiveness.
Diana and I picked up with teams for a day of ultimate at the Grizzly Open.
Diana played with the local powerhouse Care Bears. I played with (and even
captained) a team of pickup players from the area. We both had a lot of fun
playing and teaching. Diana even won the tourney in a very close game.