Strength / Skill Work
4 rounds of:
- 5 Shoulder Press, building to a tough set of 5
- Ring Push Ups (AMRAP - 1 reps)
I did 4x5@65lb Press and 8,7,5,5 ring pushups
Three 4min AMRAPS, 2min rest between each.
- 10 Renegade Rows
- 10 Wall Balls
I did 3 rounds + 3 rows @ 14lb wallball and 20lb dumbbells
- 8 Push Press (from floor)
- 8 Slam Balls
3 rounds + 1 rep @ 65lb bar and 10lb slam ball
- 30 Shoulder Taps (15 per side)
- 65 Jump Rope Singles
2 rounds + 27 taps