Strength / Skill Work
4 rounds of:
- 5 Overhead Squats, building to 75lb
- 8/side Dead Bugs
For Time (9:00 cap)
- 12-9-6-9-12 Overhead Squats
- 30 Bicycle Kicks (15/side) after each set of squats
I just used a 45lb bar for the squats, but probably should have gone heavier. I went of my calculated 1RM on the squats, but it was
probably somewhat old and I’ve gotten stronger since then.
Support Holds On Box (5 x 30sec)
Arms fully locked out, pits of elbows forward, shoulder blades pulled back and down. Keep torso upright, stay tight. Rest 30 seconds
between efforts.
Push Ups (4 x 8)
2 second hold at top (hollow position) and at the bottom. Rest 30 seconds between sets
Arch Hold With PVC (4 sets for max time)
Rest as needed between efforts.
Box Dips (Foot Assisted) (3 x 10)
Use feet to help with the movement so as not to overload the shoulder. Elbows stay tight to body, chest upright, tight core. Rest 30
seconds between sets.
Squat Holds (5 x 30-60sec hold)
This is an active hold, not a stretch. Perform an air squat and hold the bottom. Fight for upright torso position. Rest as long as you
were able to hold.