
Sprints, weights, ultimate

CFNH: Clean & Jerk, First Day of Gymnastics


20:00min of Clean and Jerk. Build up to a heavy single.

I topped out at 185lb , which basically ties my PR. I hit the clean on 190, but missed the jerk (twice). Again, same as last time.


10-8-6-4-2 reps of

  • Power Clean & Jerk @ 115lb
  • Knees to Elbows

I finished in 9:13 , just shy of the 10min cap.


  • 3x5 Push-ups: 3sec descent and a 5sec hollow hold at the top, actively pushing into the ground. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
  • 3x8 Wall Squats: slow, controlled descent; 2 second hold at bottom. Fight for good position. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
  • 5x30sec Support Holds. Arms fully locked out, pits of elbows forward, shoulder blades pulled back and down. Keep torso upright, stay tight. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
  • 4x Arch Holds for max time. Rest as needed between efforts.
  • 2-4min Hollow Hold (break up into multiple sets as needed).

Today was the first day of the 6-week gymnastic basics program. It’s a lot of core work and static holds, with a focus on form and quality reps. It was all bodyweight stuff, but some of the movements were quite challenging. The wall squats really hit my shoulders hard. The hollow hold also killed me. I did 40 seconds for my first set, then dropped to 15 and even 10 seconds for the next few sets. I just barely made it past 2 min before giving up.