
Sprints, weights, ultimate

CFNH: Cleans and Kettlebells

Strength / Skill Work

Part 1

8x5@ Power Cleans. Touch-N-Go reps. Start a set every :90 on the :90.

I did 1@75lb,5@95lb,2@105lb . The goal was speed and form, not weight. The benchmark was to finish each set in about 15 seconds (2-3 seconds per rep).

Part 2

2 rounds of:

  • 5 KB Snatch. Start light, focus on form, rotating the KB instead of swinging it, and punching up after the rotation.
  • 5 Broad Jumps


4 Rounds for Reps:

  • 8 Russian KB Swings
  • 5 Slam Balls
  • Max Rep Russian KB Swings

Score is # of RKBS each round. Rest 2:00 after each round.

I scored 20,14,14,15 using a 53lb KB for the first set and a 70lb KB for the last 3. Slamball was 30lb throughout.