6 rounds of Snatch Complex. Start a round every 90 seconds. One round is:
- Lift Off
- Snatch Pull
- Snatch High Pull
- Power Snatch
I started with 65lb and went up to 75lb halfway through. The goal was to focus on form, not get a high weight. I still have trouble with the bar following the correct path on the way up (not hitting my knees, touching my thighs).
Tabata Abs. Two rounds of:
- AbMat Sit-ups
- Tuck Ups
- Russian Twists @ 25lb
- Bicycle Kicks
My numbers were 16,16,26,38,13,13,20,20 for a total of 162 reps .
4 rounds of:
- 10 Total DB Snatches @ 40lb
- 6cals on the assault bike (subbed for 8 10m Line Touches)
- 8 Slam Balls @ 20lb
- max reps Russian Twists w/ Slam Ball
You have 1:30 to do each round. Your score is the number of Russian Twists you get through. Rest 1:30 between rounds.
I started with a 35lb DB, but went up to 40lb after the first round because I got a lot of twists in. My numbers were 27,20,20,0 . The bike on the last round really killed me. I biked super slow and used up all my time. I just finished the slam balls as time expired.
I missed two weeks of the gymnastics program, so I’m doing week 2’s workouts now. I didn’t do everything because I was tired, but I got in
- 3x6 Slow Pushups (3 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
- 3x10 Squats with Feet Together
- 4x20sec Forward Leaning Hold