
Sprints, weights, ultimate

Pullups and Squats

Strength / Skill Work

  • 3x16 Suitcase Walking Lunge Step @ 35,40,45lb
  • Butterfly Pullup work. I’m basically there, just need to get the tempo and leg movement down so I can do them repeatedly without swinging wildly.


4 Rounds For Time (17min Cap)

  • 20 Pullups
  • 20 Goblet Squats @ 30lb
  • 10cal Assault Bike (subbed for 40 double-unders)

I did kipping pullups for the first two rounds, but completely tore up my hands in the process. So I switched to SVPUs for the last two rounds. I finished the workout in 13:59


  • 3x8 Supine-grip Ring Rows: Slow pull (no snaking or jerking) with a 2 second hold at the top. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
  • 5x60sec Bottom-of-Squat Hold: Rest as long as you were able to hold. Fight for upright torso position.
  • 5x Chin-over-bar Hold for max time: Stay hollow at the top, use a band only if absolutely necessary. Rest as needed between efforts.
  • 4x10 per side One-Legged Box Squats: No rest, just switch sides.
  • 4x30-60sec Plank on Elbows

The gymnastics work was pretty brutal today because it was almost exactly the same thing we did during the WOD. I couldn’t even do the chin-over-bar hangs because my hands were dead. The ring rows were really hard as well. The rest of the workout was decent. I killed squat holds and did fairly well on box squats (though I didn’t know the focus was on going slow and balancing). I hit 45sec on each plank.