
Sprints, weights, ultimate

CFNH: Snatch and Wallballs


Tabata: alternating PVC pipe OHS and 12lb wallballs

Skill Work

10min EMOM: 10x2 Snatch: 65lb

Tried to go up in weight near the end, but dropped back to 65 after one set. My quads were still super sore from Monday.


15:00 AMRAP

1600m Row Buy-in, then AMRAP

  • 10 Power Snatch
  • 10 Wallballs

I did 55lb power snatch and 20lb wallballs. Got through 3+17 rounds+reps. Was very close to finishing the 4th round, but was also dying.

Finished off the day with 3 very shitty muscleups.