
Sprints, weights, ultimate

WUDI Indoor

Two games, two very different results. First game, we smoked our opponents. We scored twice as many points as they did, which is pretty difficult to do in indoor. We were even missing our first-round guy, and started off with almost no guy subs because many of our guys were running late. Still, we played well, moved the disc to the break side easily, and got a lot of Ds.

Second game, the exact opposite. We started off pretty weak and went down 5-1. After a timeout, we refocused and picked up our game, but we still struggled with poor spacing and unforced mistakes. Our opponents backed us hard and forced us to cut under, which we did. But we moved the disc to the open side too readily and got stuck in the black hole corner too often. People didn’t stay out of the endzone, so scoring was also difficult. And on turns, our defense was lacking. We did close the gap to 3 points at the very end, but they were in control the whole time and milked the clock nicely to end the game.