
Sprints, weights, ultimate

CFNH: Cleans and Box Jumps

Strength / Skill Work

  • 95,115,125lb Power Clean Lift Offs (lift to position 2 x2, lift to pos 1 x2, power clean x2)

Each set consists of 6 movements. The goal is to reinforce keeping the bar close and sweeping through position 1

  • 30,33,35 inch Box Jumps 3x3 @ a challenging height


4 Rounds, rest 1:30 after each round. Each round is 45 seconds long. At the start of each round, do 12 box jumps or as many box jumps as you can do in 20 seconds. After 12 box jumps or 20 seconds (whichever happens first), do as many Power Cleans as you can for the remainder of the round.

My scores were 9+5, 9+5, 11+5, 10+5 using a 24in box and 95lb on the bar for cleans. I had to do step-downs for box jumps instead of jumping down because I dont want to aggravate my tendonitis.