Strength/Skill Work
- Heaving Snatch Balance (3x5 Rest 1:00). Add weight as form & mobility allow.
- Turkish Get Up (3x3 per arm, Rest 1:00)
I worked up to 70lb on the snatch balance and 30lb on the getups.
15:00 AMRAP
Starts with 1000m Row Buy In
Then with time remaining:
Start with X=1 and increase X by 1 each round
- X DB Snatches per arm
- X DB Lunge Steps per leg
- X Burpees
Got 6 rounds + 9 DB snatches (5 left arm, 4 right arm). Used a 30lb dumbbell. Switched to goblet squats instead of lunges halfway through because my tendonitis was bothering me.