
Sprints, weights, ultimate

CFNH: Track Day


5 sprints through a 6-cone serpentine, finishing each with a sprint to the start. 2min rest between sprints.

My times: 13.07, 12:45, 12:11, 12:04, 12:11 . 12:04 was also the class record. I tried several times to beat it but couldn’t quite do it. I also ran one lap at 11:37 but we’re not counting it because I missed two cones.


“The Warmup WOD”"

15min AMRAP:

  • 25m High Knees
  • 25m Butt Kicks
  • 10m of Inch Worms (no push up)
  • 20 Walking Lunge Steps
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 10 Goblet Squats

I used a 44lb KB for the swings and squats. Got through 4 rounds + everything up to KB swings on the 5th round. Could have probably banged out the swings and squats if I’d had another 40 seconds or so.


I was the only person in the class, and we had some spare time at the end, so I worked on bar muscle ups. I ended up doing one clean muscle up on the bar - possibly my first ever that I did with good form.