
Sprints, weights, ultimate


Two days of camping and ultimate in beautiful Burlington, WA. This was basically mini-Nationals, as the top 8 teams from last year were there. A lot of unexpected results on the weekend - Drag'n Thrust only won 2 games, Cosa Nostra played better than expected, we finally beat Wildcard. On the whole though, we performed below expectations and finished last (8th) despite our wins against Wildcard and Mischief.

I played fairly well, though I did have some bad turnovers in the Cosa game and in our second Wildcard game. I also only played 2 points against Cosa and in our first Wildcard game. In the games that I had time to get into, I thought my cutting was fairly strong and my D on the turn was also good.

Things I did well:

  • inside breaks
  • threatening deep, then cutting hard under (break and open), then slashing for the IO
  • patience near the endzone

Things to improve on:

  • reduce bad decision throws. I only had two or so, but that’s two unnecessary risks.
  • reduce execution mistakes. Had at least three here (two to Trey in the same point, probably tired mistakes). I’ve been working on throwing harder, I think that will help.
  • don’t get caught looking away from the guy I’m covering. Focus on him and my footwork, but take peeks when I can. Even when I’m peeking, move to cover the likely next threat.
  • better around breaks, flick hucks.