
Sprints, weights, ultimate

Shuttles, Shuffles, Pickup

Did the first of the new BenJ workouts with Ben at penn park.


  • 2x150m with 50m cones: about 25 seconds each
  • 4x150m with 25m cones: about 27 seconds each

150 seconds rest between each rep. We threw during some of the rests but forgot during others.


Mel showed up during the end of our shuttles and we threw for about 15 min. I worked on my flick throws - trying to get them smooth, flat and high enough.

Lateral Shuffles

  • 4x10m shuffles with 15 seconds on, 45 seconds rest


Played half an hour or so of pickup in the park. It was not very high-level but a few good players were there so I got to cover them.