
Sprints, weights, ultimate

Elite Ultisquash, Spinners Practice


The veteran’s ultisquash fight club committee decided to honor Diana and me by inviting us to their elite game. In attendance: Wheels, Schmucker, TC, Panna, Dre, Raha, us. We played a dozen or so games, all intense and fast-paced. I really enjoyed playing with Schmucker and Wheels. They don’t come out much and I don’t get to play with them that often. Also covering TC was a lot of fun. What a great way to end the season.

Spinners Practice

I was rather sore after all that ultisquashing, but decided to go to Spinners practice anyway. The weather was finally nice and it’s good to get my outdoor throws straight as early as possible. We spent a good amount of time on drills and working on some set plays, then scrimmaged a lot. We started our first set of scrimmages with a hunger-drill throw to simulate playing after a huck. I’ve never done that before but I really like it. We also played a bunch of 2-minute make-it-take-it games and worked on double-teaming.

I was really tired by the time we started scrimmaging, and it didn’t help that we had very few subs. I thought I played reasonably well and had some good throws and cuts, though I dropped the disc TWICE during the 4 lines cutting drill (where we were specifically trying not to drop the disc by focusing on catching one point of it) and also turfed an easy throw to DBaer because I didn’t pivot.