Part 1 - Sprints
10 30-yard sprints with different variations. Walk back after each sprint.
- Hit your top speed at the end of the sprint
- Hit your top speed 75% of the way into the sprint
- Hit yoru top speed halfway into the sprint
- All out sprint
- All out sprint
- All out sprint
- Jog 10, sprint 20
- Jog 10, sprint 20
- Backpedal 10, sprint 30
- Backpedal 10, sprint 30
Part 2 - Plyos
- Pair up. 3 rouds of: 10 medball throws straight up for height with a 15lb medball (alternate with your partner), 10 sideways hurdle jumps over your partner.
- 10 reps of: sprint 15, jump as high as you can when you hit the 15yd line. We did the first few to the line and the rest to a cue (either a whistle or when we saw a stationary person jump).
Part 3 - Hunger Drill
It was pretty windy but we got in some solid throwing and cutting. It was really hard to read, so I focused on getting in front of the other player and boxing out hard, even if I ended up misreading the disc somewhat.