
Sprints, weights, ultimate

Winter League

We played the winter league season opener against Butter’s team. We played OK in the first half, they played better. In the second half, we really started to suck. Our team is pretty tall, so the deep game should have been good, but we overthrew our receivers 3 out of 4 times (or maybe more) while our in-cuts were wide open. Our defense was also lacking. Overall, a poor showing. We lost 27-14 after being down 14-10 at half.

I think our team has a lot of potential. I’d say we’re the tallest team in the leage, and we definitely have the best women. We just have to reign in the deep shots (or start to aim at the front of the endzone) and step our D up, and we’ll be crushing it. I’m missing our next five games unless I reschedule a few, but hopefully things come together in my absence.