
Sprints, weights, ultimate

AUDL RRI (as of this week)

I finally got around to running the numbers on the AUDL games. I used this algorithm. The results are almost the same as the win-loss standings, but take a look at Indy vs Columbus (and also Bluegrass). They are very close in RRI (the Final Score column), but Columbus is ranked much lower in win-loss. In fact, Columbus has the same record as Rhode Island, which is ranked far below them in RRI.


| Team                     | Point Diff | Avg Opp Rating | Final Score |
| Philadelphia Spinners    | 70         | -5.5970        | 64.4030     |
| Connecticut Constitution | 29         | 4.0603         | 33.0603     |
| Columbus Cranes          | 1          | 0.1003         | 1.1003      |
| Indianapolis AlleyCats   | 11         | -12.4326       | -1.4326     |
| Bluegrass Revolution     | 7          | -12.0623       | -5.0623     |
| Rhode Island Rampage     | -29        | 8.6616         | -20.3384    |
| Detroit Mechanix         | -24        | -0.5124        | -24.5124    |
| Buffalo Hunters          | -65        | 17.7822        | -47.2178    |


| Team                     | Record |
| Philadelphia Spinners    | 9-2    |
| Connecticut Constitution | 9-3    |
| Indianapolis AlleyCats   | 7-5    |
| Bluegrass Revolution     | 7-5    |
| Columbus Cranes          | 5-7    | 
| Rhode Island Rampage     | 5-7    |
| Detroit Mechanix         | 5-8    |
| Buffalo Hunters          | 1-10   |